Our Technology
MRC Briefcase
On-the-Go Convenience
Electronic media has a clear edge over print media. Print media is more of a habit with people, but the usage of iPhones, iPads, tablets, e-readers offers a lot of choices to more people. We must maintain the pace.
Ohio Reporting Company sets a standard...click and go. Never, ever stand in line at the copier again - no scanning or copying necessary.
Transcripts and Exhibits at your fingertips on the go in .PDF, ASCII, and RealLegal© .PTX formats.
Password protected central repository available 24/7 for easy case management.
View your scheduling calendar at a glance.
Online scheduling synced in real-time with our office calendar.

Multicore is an all-in-one media package that allows you to see, hear and read your depositions, including hyperlinked exhibits, all in one package. Our Multicore platform is supported by Visionary software that is an intuitive software tool used by the legal industry for organizing and managing volumes of transcripts, exhibits and videos connected with a case. Ohio Reporting Company will provide Visionary 8 trial presentation software free; an ideal solution for preparing your case and presenting evidence in mediations, hearing and trials. Our Multicore disc package is provided with every deposition transcript.
Audio syncing - Read it and hear it. Our court reporters give you the audio!
Video syncing - Read it, hear it, see it. No budget for a videographer? No problem. Our media reporters have the ability to videotape the deposition along with recording the written road.
Hyperlinked word-searchable exhibits - OCR (Optical Character Resolution)
Free trial presentation software with video editing tools - the power to edit your own videos and transcripts with a simple click, drag and drop. Search, find a present on the fly.
Tamper resistant paper transcripts.
No transporter? No problem. Our videoconferencing suite almost gets you there. Witnesses now have the option to appear via the internet with their own computer, tablet, or phone. Boldly going where no one has gone before, Ohio Reporting Company provides videoconferencing to meet any budget or need.
Skype - one-to-one video chat without the expense of traditional video teleconferencing. Only a $25 connection fee.
Fuze - multiparty video conferencing without the expense of traditional video conferencing. No software to download. Simply click an email invite, and you are a party to the conference no matter where you are. You choose whether you would like to appear by phone or video. Only a $25 connection fee.
Traditional Video Teleconferencing - point-to-point standard video conferencing platform. Pricing subject to location connection.