Our Company

Our Journey

The Ohio Reporting Company, founded in 1976, is a full-service, technology-driven court reporting firm providing:

  • Court Reporters

  • Realtime Reporting

  • Captioning and Conference Reporters

  • Certified Legal Videographers & Video Depositions

  • Administrative Support Staff

We take our responsibility for the accuracy and delivery of your transcripts very seriously with exceedingly high standards for our clients -- from solo practitioners to national law firms, state and federal governments and courts, and major corporations throughout the world.

Accuracy, timely delivery, and professional service to clients are our top priorities, achieved through ongoing quality assurance programs and continuous formal training sessions for court reporters, videographers, and administrative staff.

Because of the full-time employee status of our firm, rather than the usual independent contractor status in the court reporting profession, our staff reporters are available for reporting assignments immediately, upon the client’s request, with total transcript retention, case management, and quality control of a secured repository.

Our livelihood depends on your continued business so whether your case is large or small, we strive to provide every service necessary to make your litigation go as smoothly as possible. With expert support you can rely on, you can devote your time and energy on what really matters—your client’s case.

Our Company

Mike McDonner


Lisa Gann, CER

Regional Director of Client Services

Ann Madrick

Office & Billing Manager

Courtney Wiggins

Transcript Manager

Ryan Adkins

Video Production & Trial Presentation Manager

Kristina Calhoun

Scheduling Manager

Natalia Basham

National Services Manager

Maggie Thornton, CER

Production Manager

Rich Abrams

Client Accounts Manager

Lacee Townsend, CER

Director of Court Reporting

Leah Sharp, CER

Assistant Video Manager

McKenna Watson, CER

Assistant Scheduling Manager

Madison Books

Court Reporter & Videographer

Hannah Brandenstein, CER

Court Reporter & Videographer

Olivia Dosker, CER

Court Reporter & Videographer

Allison Wolff

Court Reporter

Emma McGaha, CER

Court Reporter & Videographer

Karly Beckwith

Court Reporter

Kayleigh Kinnamon, CER

Court Reporter